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Online convert photo jpeg gif png bmp tif webp heic svg to rgb yuv file

RGB isn't a standard term used to describe a specific image file format. Instead, it likely refers to the color model used to represent images, which is RGB (Red, Green, Blue). In the RGB color model, colors are created by combining different intensities of red, green, and blue light. RGB is the most common color model used in digital imaging, as it accurately represents the way colors are perceived by human vision. It's used in various applications ranging from digital cameras and computer monitors to image editing software and web graphics.

YUV is a color space representation that stands for Luminance (Y) and Chrominance (UV). It's a way of representing color in digital video and image compression schemes. YUV separates the brightness (luminance) information (Y) from the color (chrominance) information (U and V). In YUV color space: Y represents the luma (brightness) component, indicating the overall brightness of the image.

The web app can convert photo jpeg gif png bmp tif webp heic svg to rgb yuv file, also resize/rotate/flip them online.

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